Saturday, May 28, 2016

BLACK AND WHITE by Dan Mahoney

Refinished Fr 5/27/16

This is one of my paperbacks and according to the flyleaf, I read it on the weekend of Sa-Sun 12/8-9/ 2001.

The author's younger brother is the rock star Eddie Money- TWO TICKETS TO PARADISE. The author is also head of Holmes Detective Bureau. This kind of an agency (computer savvy and able to do things that the police can't because of existing laws) is mentioned in the book and run by a character named Hurley. Maybe based on the author.

A terrific good read and an excellent example of the finest police procedurals. Although it was 432 pages, it never ever lagged.

A well connected couple is murdered in the Cloisters in NYC. The guy's father is a prominent Virginia politician and the woman is the daughter of a NYC city councilman.

Brutally torchered and subjects of maybe the most valuable Snuff Film ever made.

The only beef I had is why did he have two of the lead characters share the same last name. Tommy and Brian McKenna. No reason, and introduced unnecessary confusion.

 Police realize it's two killers when the notice how far the bodies were thrown.

All killings take place in beautiful, scenic and isolated spots. Could be 'cased' from above, and police conclude that they could be involved in the airlines.

Black is a professional airline pilot and White is a steward.

Prominent family of the victims in NYC arrange it so that the two killers are charged in Taiwan. Trial to hanging is just a week.

The library has a few of these, and it is on my Wish List.

Amazon link-

Author's website-

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