Sunday, May 22, 2016

NICKEL AND DIMED- On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich

Finished Fr 4/20/16, the day after hernia surgery. This was one of the 'free books' that I picked up on the run the day before the procedure.

I had read this several years ago, but it was probably a library copy. I loved the book and I'm glad to own it.

It seems that most of the customer reviewers missed what she was trying to do. She isn't trying to provide a blueprint of what it is like to be poor in America, as much as she is demonstrating how class infects almost all areas of American life. I think that the negative reception is that most people are still under the false assumption that, "In America, if you truly work hard, you will succeed". And, I think this hasn't been true for several decades- if it ever was.

If Walmart is the biggest employer in the country, and their employees don't even receive a living wage, how in the hell can anyone boast about this 'free market' system?

There is no such thing as 'unskilled labor'. That's just a myth and an excuse for employers to offer the cheapest wages. Sometimes this is beautifully demonstrated on the TV show UNDERCOVER BOSS. The 'high paid suits' can't even begin to do the job of their entry level employees.

The book at amazon-

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