Saturday, August 3, 2019

GRAY MOUNTAIN by John Grisham

Finished Fr 8/2/19

This is a paperback that Janny loaned to me.

The book is an excellent primer on the effects of 'strip mining' on the environment.

The process of strip mining involves  dynamiting mountains looking for seams of coal. The hardwood is removed first. The timber is not used, but pushed to the side. Then layers are removed as in a cake.

One case in the book is about how a large boulder was blown off of a mountain and it lands in a trailer, killing two boys.

Large pools or lakes of toxic coal waste are created. If a damn breaks, an environmental disaster can be created bigger than Exxon Valdez. This has happened yet the coal companies are so politically strong, that the news is blocked.

Some of the highest cancer rates are found in the Appalachian mountains due to these 'lakes' that poison the ground water.

Federal law requires that miners be compensated for 'black lung'. The companies stall, and sometimes the families do not receive payments until long after the miner is dead.

The companies have some of the best legal counsel in the world.


During the economic meltdown of 2008 Samantha is placed on leave from a 'white shoe' NYC law firm. She is not happy with the crushing workload and the dull work. The deal is that she might be rehired in a year. She receives no pay, but she keeps her health benefits. However, the company gives her a list of places that she can work pro bono. Samantha travels to very rural West Virginia and becomes a legal aid for Mattie. Mattie has two lawyers working under her and their practice is to offer free legal service to the poor in the area.

They specialize in domestic violence, black lung, and helping the miners' families to combat the legal staff or the coal companies.

Donovan is Mattie's nephew. He is working on a large case against the coal companies. He has a small plane and uses it to fly to different clients. Near the middle of the novel, Donovan dies in a plane crash. Jeff, his brother, is certain that he was murdered by the coal company.

Jeff is not a lawyer, but works as an investigator for Donovan.

Samantha and Jeff begin an affair. It's not love, just lust. Jeff is scheming to keep Samantha working in the area, and she is conflicted. She feels more comfortable in the 'Big Apple', but she's very sympathetic to the plight of her rural clients.

Donovan and Jeff entered a coal company building and stole documents that proved that the coal company was well aware that one of their miners was suffering 'black lung', yet they continued to deny that he had the disease and falsely denied his benefits. This is truly a big deal and could bring the coal company a disastrous settlement and lots of negative press.

Andy, Samantha's old boss in NYC, tries to lure her back with an offer of less hours and a more relaxed working environment.

In the end of the novel, Samantha decides to stay with Mattie in the near future and tells Andy, "NO".

Link to the novel's page at wikipedia:

The book is paced as a thriller, yet it's really a 'beach' or 'airport' read. Not that this is a bad thing. Not much shading in character development, yet the story is very compelling.

Anything by Grisham is worth a look.

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