Friday, August 30, 2019

52 PICK-UP by Elmore Leonard

Finished Th 8/30/19

This is one of my ancient paperbacks. I apparently had not read it and no idea how long I've owned it.

Published in 1974 and set in 70's Detroit. Leonard wrote 'GET SHORTY' and dozens of other great books. Known as 'THE DICKENS OF DETROIT'.

The book was made into a movie in 1986 starring Roy Scheider and Ann-Margret; John Frankenheimer directs

link to author's page at wikipedia-

Mitch (Harry Mitchell) is a small business owner who has an affair with a much younger woman, Cini. He is married to Barb, but the marriage has gone stale, yet he still loves his wife.

Suddenly he finds that he is the victim of a shakedown. If he doesn't pay a hundred thousand dollars, his affair will be revealed to his wife.

The Bad Guys:

Leo Franks- runs a 'modeling agency'. Men pay to 'watch' a girl nude. She undresses and they watch.

Bobby Shy- a Black thug who drinks at the strip club with the other bad guys.

Doreen- Black girlfriend of Bobby's and works at the 'modeling agency'.

Alan Raimy - runs an 'art' theater. Sleazy sex films.

Mitch doesn't pay, so the bad guys murder Cini on camera using Mitch's gun.

Mitch gets all of the bad guys pictures and finds out where they live, work, and hang out.

O'Boyle is Mitch's lawyer and helps him fight back

Alan kills the other members of his crew, and Mitch kills Alan at the money transfer. He rigs the case with explosives.

Mitch and Barbara rekindle their marriage.

From the back of the book:

"Detroit businessman Harry Mitchell was having a mid-life crisis. ...And now he had a problem with porn movies. He was in one... A man with a stocking over his head and a .38 in his hand wanted a hundred grand to keep Harry's picture out of circulation. But the hoods behind this blackmail scam made a big mistake when they fingered Harry Mitchell for their pigeon. ,,,And the more they got him mad, the more certain it was that the only pay-off Harry planned was getting even. "

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