Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WHITE SLEEPER by Dr. David Fett and Stephen Langford

Finished Tu 3/20/12

Post for GoodReads-

WHITE SLEEPER is a fast paced thriller that involves a partnership between a member of a White Supremacy group and an Al-Qaeda sleeper cell active in the USA. They collaborate on a bio-terrorist attack involving bubonic plague, botulism, and rabies, and a novice female FBI agent, and an alcoholic in remission working for the Center For Disease Control seem to be the only ones who can cancel the threat.

The novel is co-written by Dr. David Fett and Stephen Langford. Dr. Fett is an ophthalmologist, and provides the medical details for the disease aspects of the book, and Stephen Langford is a television writer and producer, and he provides the propulsive dramatic action which reads like a screenplay that's ready-made for film or TV.

The book is hard to put down, and very believable.

Odd Facts-
1)When the US Congress was considering making Idaho a state a lobbyist by the name of George Willing suggested the Indian name, 'Idaho'. However, the word 'Idaho' had no meaning, and was only a prank.
2)Since The World Trade Center is no more, The Empire State Building is now the tallest building in NYC.
3)Red Bull and Coffee is quite an 'upper'.

Ben Curan- Young man who's family is murdered by the FBI, and he vows to get revenge. Belongs the The Knights of the White Order.

Dr. Dave Richards- Dry drunk who works for The Center For Disease Control in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Root is his boss.

Dr. Evan Lussier- Richards and Root's boss. A complete incompetent.

Ben meets the sleeper cell in Greenwich Village NYC, and they live in his apartment building.

Paula Mushari- Rookie FBI agent who is assigned the case with Dr. Richards

Black Plague and Botulism are treatable, but Rabies is 100% fatal if not caught before the disease takes hold. Once the rabies virus reaches the central nervous system and symptoms begin to show, the infection is effectively untreatable and usually fatal within days. This is why if the virus was introduced via a flu shot, the victim would already be completely infected before any symptoms were noticed.

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