Friday, October 28, 2011

A DROP OF THE HARD STUFF by Lawrence Block

Finished Fr 10/28/11

This is a novel which deals with Matt Scudder's early days of sobriety. Matt is rapidly coming up on One Year Sober, and he meets a man who he had not seen since childhood. Jack Ellery, is a fellow alcoholic, and is assiduously working The Twelve Steps to hang on to his sobriety. Ellery had been sober for some time, and his sponsor has advised him that it is now time for him to tackle Step 8 of The Twelve Step AA Program. In order to continue his sobriety, the initiate must seek out and apologize to people that he has harmed during his drinking. According to AA, you can't get free of your addiction until you make amends. However, this step leads to his death, and the murder of several others, and Scudder attempts to find out the reason for these killings.

This novel might be better named, "The Mystery of High Low Jack And Even Steven".

This is the seventeen novel in the Scudder series, and if you are a fan, this novel is not to be missed.

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