Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Finished Su 5/28/23

This is one of the paperbacks that I bought at the Rochester book sale on Sa 5/20/23.

It's an excellent, although difficult read. A young high school girl is raped and this incident triggers a high school shooting. 

The rape is difficult to determine since all of the people are underaged, uninformed, and blind drunk. The girl never says "I am being raped. Stop immediately", and because she doesn't say these words the boys feel it's OK to continue. 

The day that I finished reading the novel, I noticed that it was streamable on Netflix. I watched the movie and I think that was even better than the novel. 

From the book's page at Goodreads:


As a teenager at the prestigious Bradley School, Ani FaNelli endured a shocking, public humiliation that left her desperate to reinvent herself. Now, with a glamorous job, expensive wardrobe, and handsome blue blood fiancĂ©, she’s this close to living the perfect life she’s worked so hard to achieve.

But Ani has a secret.

There’s something else buried in her past that still haunts her, something private and painful that threatens to bubble to the surface and destroy everything.

With a singular voice and twists you won’t see coming, Luckiest Girl Alive explores the unbearable pressure that so many women feel to “have it all” and introduces a heroine whose sharp edges and cutthroat ambition have been protecting a scandalous truth, and a heart that's bigger than it first appears.

The question remains: will breaking her silence destroy all that she has worked for—or, will it at long last, set Ani free?"

This is the first novel for Jessica Knoll and parts of the book are things that happened to her although it's not a roman a clef or a memoir. 

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