Thursday, February 2, 2017

ANOTHER CITY, NOT MY OWN by Dominick Dunne

Finished We 2/1/17

The phrase, 'A novel in the form of a Memoir' is included in the title, but it's really a "roman a clef".

The is one of my hardback books that I purchased at the library for $2.00 in mid May, 2003, and I finished it on Sa 5/26/04, and I noted that it was, ' The best two bucks I've spent'.

It is a great re-visit to the OJ Simpson Trial, but I think that the recent HBO series stole a bit of its' thunder.

Notes that I scrawled on the flyleaf-


Makes me wonder about the nature of gossip. Is there such a thing or is every detail and observation just 'information'? Much of what Gus Bailey deals with might or might not be true, but the more tidbits, impressions, and observations, the better he is able to arrive at 'truth with a big T'. I guess the real test for accuracy would be to arrange the data into the most meaningful analysis. This is even more important in today's world where computers and social media record nearly every aspect of our lives. A grade that you received in the third grade, what your neighbors thought of you in 1987, or how many times you voted and for who, is all available and can be manipulated and used to explain who you are.

What 'facts' are allowed, and what 'facts' are ignored really shapes and creates, 'The Truth'.

However, the way that the justice system is portrayed in the book is deplorable. Forensic facts that are ignored in a judicial setting represent a total breach of justice!

Gus says that Johnny Cochran, one of the Dream Team lawyers for Simpson, "understands the brilliance of stupidity". This is also a telling and wry description of our new president.

The author's page at wikipedia-

Andrew Cunanan's page at wikipedia. This was a clever way to end the novel, because Gus Bailey's work is done-

I loved the book and will read more of his books.

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