Monday, December 12, 2016

GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SECRET SIX- The Spy Ring that Saved The American Revolution by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger

Finished Su 12/11/16

This is a library book that was recommended to me by the guy that works out at FitClub West and is retired from the Presidential Library downtown.

I was surprised that I didn't have to wait on the book because one of the co-authors, Brian Kilmeade, is an anchor at Fox News.

The premise is that the rebels did not win the revolutions so much on the battlefield but that George Washington 'out spied' the British. The spy ring was based out of Long Island and kept a close watch on the British occupation on New York. Manhattan was the second most populated American city, Philadelphia was the first.

The Secret Six were-

Robert Townsend- This man went undetected until 1929. Papers were found that identified his handwriting to manuscripts written by the network.

Abraham Woodhull

Benjamin Tallmadge

Caleb Brewster

Austin Roe

James Rivington- This man was a printer and coffee house owner and his 'cover' was that he was a forceful critic of the revolt.

[Agent 355- This was a woman, probably American 'high society'. Her identity remains unknown.]

Nathan Hale was probably the most famous spy of the revolution, but he was caught and executed. He was only 21 years old and was not part of the Secret Six.

His page at wikipedia-

I really enjoyed the account of John Andre and Benedict Arnold. Andre was the British military leader and spy that 'handled' Arnold's double dealing. Arnold was in charge of West Point and he wanted to deliver this fort to the British (for a cash payment). The deal was stopped, but Arnold escaped to Europe. I want to read more of the lives of both of these fascinating characters.

John Andre's page at wikipedia-

Arnold's page at wikipedia-

I was almost shocked to learn of the British counterfeiting operation. They had the plates and the paper and could have defeated the Americans without having to fire a shot. Simply destroy the monetary system of the colonies. This plot was stopped by the spy ring.

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