Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dakota Days by John Green

Finished Su 11/6/16

This is a trade paperback that I've owned for many years, but never read. The book was written by the Lennons' tarot card reader.

Yoko seems to be interested in all forms of mystical philosophies. She felt that John Lennon would not respond to her tarot card reader if they shared the same first names, so she said that his name was Charlie (Swan). This is how he's referred to in the book.

John seems less of a true believer, and more of a sceptic.

Yoko had a much larger role in the business aspect of Lennon's life than I thought. She was his legal representative in the Apple company.

I didn't realize that she came from such a powerful and influential family.  They were the first Japanese to enter American politics , first Japanese to graduate from Harvard (who these people were is not mentioned), and her family represented a powerful banking interest in the home country.

John comes across as very depressed during this period. He seems to have given almost all of his power and influence to Yoko.

Yoko's page at wikipedia-

Regardless if it's all true, it certainly paints an interesting portrait of the Lennons at a rather critical point in their lives. John had just returned to Yoko after an affair with May Pang. The book says that this relationship was set up by Yoko. She would rather have John involved with someone that she knew (and could control?).

And, Yoko becomes pregnant and John decides to become the caretaker of Sean. Lennon seems to admit that he's basically just hiding. He says that 'how busy could I be'?... He has nannies and servants to help, so there's no real need to stay at home.

The book at amazon-

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