Tuesday, August 2, 2016

I, DOLL Life and Death with the New York Dolls by Arthur "Killer' Kane

Finished Tu 8/2/16

This is a library book that I picked up last week when I returned A MAN CALLED DESTRUCTION, the bio of Alex Chilton. I just looked through it (I had read it before), and watched some youtube videos about the book, Chilton, and the author.

I was actually looking for Marianne Faithfull's autobiography.

Kane's book is an autobiography and he wrote it off and on from 1986 to a year before his death in 2004. His wife Barbara Garrison Kane writes the prologue and epilogue.

This is the only celebrity that I know who was born on my birthday, 2/3/1949.
He also worked for the phone company.
He also liked The Hullabaloos.

Kane was very into fashion- the more outrageous the better. Most of the guys in the dolls seemed to be as good with a needle and thread as they were with their instruments. Especially Billy Doll, the drummer.

Cynthia Foxe was married to David Johansen. She claimed that all of the Dolls great ideas were first spoken by Arthur. Foxe went on to marry Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Kane feels that this is the band that the record company REALLY wanted, and went the Dolls floundered, they went with them rather than giving support to Kane's group.

He went on to work with THE CORPSE GRINDERS. Another band that was way ahead of the curve. Heavy Metal Gore.

Kane makes Johansen the heavy. Reminded me of Elvis's bass player's take on The Singer.

Well written and an interesting bio.
His wife puts him into proper prospective in the epilogue. Seems like he was his own worst enemy. Shocking tales of alcohol abuse and his falling out the window is totally outrageous. Then, he's beaten nearly to death on the streets of LA after attending a Red Hot Chilli's concert. Although, it's not stated, I'll bet he provoked the violence.

Dies less than two weeks after the reunion concert. This reunion was Morrissey's idea.

Worked as a Mormon historian in LA shortly before his death (after he had sobered up....to a certain extent)



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