Tuesday, December 9, 2014

FATHERLAND by Robert Harris

Finished Tu 12/9/14

I found this on the shelf, and on the flyleaf it said that I finished this one on Th 9/18/97 "after 2 hrs. and 30 mins. of overtime; 18 poles and picked up 5 scrap reels with Ed". God, I don't miss that 'other life'.

The big 'reveal' is that the SS Inspector Xavier March comes across proof that Hitler and his henchmen orchestrated the murder of 8 million Jews. The novel is set in a world in which National Socialism triumphs, and this knowledge had been successfully repressed.

The last part of the novel includes a fairly accurate portrait of what went on at the meeting at Wannsee in January of 1942.

Robert Harris is an authority on the life of Adolf Hitler and this was his first novel. Well worth the time I spent on it, and I'm surprised that I really didn't remember much of the storyline.

Author's wikipedia page-


FATHERLAND at wikipedia-


Wannsee Conference at wikipedia-


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