Sunday, June 29, 2014

ROTTEN NO IRISH NO BLACKS NO DOGS by John Lydon with Keith and Kent Zimmerman

Finished Su 6/29/14

I had been reading this for a few weeks, and it wasn't my primary book. I had read it once several years ago, but it was well worth another look.

Johnny Rotten is a very intelligent person and his views on his life, the media/entertainment world, and 'The Sex Pistol Phenomenon' were sharp and very much on point.

The book includes many others who were very much apart of the 'scene' and nearly all sides of the story are presented. Even Malcolm is allowed his two cents worth. Actually, he doesn't come off too bad at all.

John Christopher Lydon, Rotten's father, also is well noted. Johnny cared very much for his four brothers and his parents. Who would have guessed that when the Pistols toured America, Rotten's mother asked to come along, and Johnny granted her request. And, while on tour she learned that she had cancer and Rotten stuck by her side until the end. This seems totally out of character for the 'madman' portrayed by the press.

I was surprised to learn that Rotten married a wealthy German woman many  years his senior, and they're still together.

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