Sunday, August 26, 2012


Finished Su 8/26/12

My post on Good Reads-

This is a superior book of the 'true crime' genre, and closer to the approach of Truman Capote or James Ellroy rather than Ann Rule. Rule's books recount an enthralling murder case, and basically it's, 'just the facts', and the other two authors try to capture a bit more of the 'emotional fall-out'of the atrocity. And, this is what Deanne Stillman has beautifully accomplished. 

Much has been made about how the author presents the Mojave desert as a major ingredient in this bloody and senseless double murder. But, I think what really sets this novel apart is how she showcases the 'less than sterling' characters of the victims and their families. Mandi Scott and Rosalie Ortega were promiscuous drug takers who hung around with the 'wrong crowd', yet Stillman really evokes empathy for them. They really come across as loving and caring individuals wise beyond their years, and this makes the tragedy even more devestating.

This is a great read, and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves 'true crime' books that aspire for just a bit more. 

6422 Palo Verde Street Apt 7- murder scene. August 2/3, 1991. This apartment was a 'party pad' for local gang-bangers and Marines stationed at the nearby base.

Amanda (Mandi) Scott- Just days prior to her sixteenth birthday; mother came to the apartment just after the murder, and did not enter. She was finding out about the birthday party which would have occurred the next day. She was driving a green Camaro which she would have given to Mandi.

Rosalie Ortega (Fishhead) From Philippines and the nickname comes from her love of cooking fish. Had a young daughter, Shantelle who was with her grandparents when she was murdered. They were long distance truckers, and her grandmother went by the CB handle, 'Asian Doll'. She was 21 at the time of her death, and had a job at the local Texaco mini-mart.

Debie McMasters- Mandi's mother; Came from two generations of women who were physically abused by spouses. Originally from Northern California (near Sonora, CA). She had a history with The Hells Angels and other biker gangs, and dealt in drugs with them.

Valentine Underwood- Veteran of The Gulf War. Killer of the two girls, and had several rape/assault charges before he entered the Marines. Just weeks before the murder he raped a girl by the name of Tammy. Her father was the highest ranking NCO on the base, and he promised her not to press charges, and he would take care of Underwood. He apparently did nothing. Valentine had a college degree, and was in college on a basketball scholarship.
     He wore the number "33" (Patrick Ewing and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Lou Alcindor), and he stabbed each girl 33 times. Amanda was first, and Rosalie was in the shower. He stabbed himself in the hand, and was almost too injured to play a game between the Marines and the Air Force right after the murders. He started, but was taken out, and claimed that he had injured himself cleaning a trash can with a disposable razor.
      His blood was found at the murder site, and he raped both victims, but he claimed that he only found the bodies after having consensual sex.
      Received a life sentence in 1997. Years later he was brought up on charges of rape in Massachusetts due to a DNA match.


  1. your writing is horrible

  2. I'm to understand that Amanda had just turned 13 yrs old and Roslyn was 20 yrs old. Roslyn worked at a gas station as a cashier (that was located inside where the cars were worked on. The marine that killed both females was a very tall length black man wearing civilian clothing that was leaning with his left arm on the counter top with the his left leg crossed over his right leg talking to the young female(Roslyn) at the gas station were she worked as a cashier, then he would stop talking when customers would step up to pay for
    for gas,when I stepped forward to pay for my gas I glaced over at the tall black man and as I did he had a surprise look come over his face and stood up very straight which I thought was odd. At that time the cashier area was not set up as gas station are set up today. I'm to understand that the young 13 yes old Amanda was stripped naked and her arms were tied
    with a cord from the DVD/cassette player. The young female Roslyn was completely clothed found died lying half way in the hall way and half way in the bedroom. I'm to understand that Roslyn the 20 yes old and Amanda the 13 yes old had been brutally murdered by a sworded like weapon. I'm to understand that the day of the murder both Amanda and Roslyn had walked back from the the store after buying things for the party. I remember briefly speaking with Amanda mother (which was working as a bartender at the Iron horse. I asked her how she was doing and she said she was having hard time with all the lies that was being said about her daugther. She had also mentioned that she had been in contact with someone people from new York. She didn't mention about what and I didn't feel the need to inquirer any further. That was the first and only time I ever talked to her. I never spoke with either of the victims, except for saying thank you to the cashier (Roslyn) when I paid for my gas.

  3. Sorry! For my poorly written comments. But it doesn't make it any less true. The mention of the gas station came to mind because it was making the young female as not trying to support her self by working a regular job. I just remember seeing her work at the gas station, nicely dress and well groomed.

  4. I believe there was more than one reason way General Patton declared the area as unfit for human habitat. I don't think it was just for the weather.

  5. There was a lot of decent people that live in the upper desert, hard working and very caring. When it came time to retire they just wanted a slower and calmer way of life. They were able to purchase land at a very reasonable price and build some very large homes.

  6. I went to school with Amy Scott. My little sister went to School with Amy's brother Jason. She wasn't an easy person to get along with even at age 13...not saying she deserved what one deserves to be slaughtered! Crazy! The desert was a place easy to have boredom. Long drives to get no where, fast! I lived out there 15 years. Made us very uneasy to relax when this happened.
