Saturday, June 2, 2012

YEAR OF WONDERS by Geraldine Brooks

Finished Fr 6/1/12.................. This is my post at Good Reads

A very interesting novel about how an English village dealt with the Plague of 1665. The story is narrated by Anna Frith, and she recounts many of the adversities, hardships, and crises of Faith that afflict the townsfolk during this year of Death. The novel could be viewed as a discourse on how intelligent, tenacious, and strong-willed women were able to shape and control events in a very ignorant and male- dominated society. Micheal Mompellion, the town rector, has the legitimate authority, yet he would be mostly ineffective without the support of his wife, Elinor, and the indispensable presence of Anna. Women are the clear heroes in this tale, yet my only problem would be the ending of the novel. The dramatic confrontation at Cucklett Delf, and Micheal's revelations about the true nature of his relationship with Elinor were melodramatic and riveting, but Anna's final treatment seemed a bit far fetched. This is the second Geraldine Brooks novel that I have read, and I will definitely try a third.

Based on the true story of the plague that struck Eyam, Derbyshire, England in 1666. Parish church of St. Lawrence.
.........The character of Michael Mompellion is based on the real rector of Eyam, William Mompesson. Although the real man had two daughters which he sent away before the plague reached the village. His wife was killed by the plague, and not by murder as in the novel. Another terrific historical novel by Geraldine Brooks. This one is based on the true story of the village of Eyam's battle with the plague of 1665. The novel shows how the town rector, Michael Mompellion (the real man's name was William Mompesson), was able to convince the village to isolate themselves to protect the disease from spreading. He was able to negotiate a deal with a local Earl to keep the town supplied during their tribulation.
.......... Anna Frith tale is told thru her. Sam was her husband who was killed in a mining accident. Tom and Jamie were her sons.
........... Michael Mompellion and wife, Elinor Mompellion had an aborted baby by Charles, and lives in shame. Not revealed until the end of the novel, but Michael refuses to have sex with her because of this shame.

'rector'- A cleric in charge of a parish in the Protestant Episcopal Church.

"Anteros"-Michael Mompellion's stallion.

The Bradfords(Colonel Henry Bradford)- a wealthy family who leave the village, and in the beginning of the novel Elizabeth Bradford returns and wants the rector to come with her to visit her mother. Michael refuses. The Bradfords leave town, and make no provisions for their servants.
George Vicar- tailor who sets up shop in the village, and it is his cloth which arrives from London and causes the contagion.
Mem Gowdie, and her daughter, Anys Gowdie. They are two women who study plants, and are the closest thing that the community has to real doctors. They are experts in child birth practices, and are thought to be witches.
................. 'Cucklett Delf'- Where Mompellion had the church services in an attempt to prevent the spread of the plague. The Delf is outdoors.
.................. Josiah (Joss) Bont- Anna's drunken father. He rips off the villagers by over-charging for burial services. Married to Aphra, and this is Anna's step-mother. She is crazy and kills Elinor at the Delf in the end of the novel. Aphra's youngest child, Faith, dies of the plague, and Aphra uses the body in a kind of Black Magic ritual, and shows up at the Sunday service with the dead child, and commits the murder. Aphra had been found guilty of dabbling in Black Magic (selling magic charms to villagers to keep the plague from their houses), and was thrown into a cess pool, and this probably drove her over the edge. Joss was also put in a stock for his gouging practices. His palms were knifed to a mine entrance, and he stayed there all night, and died. It was thought that a family member would free him, but everyone was occupied.
..........................In the end of the novel Anna and Michael have sex. He confesses that he had never slept with Elinor in the three years that they were married. Because of Elinors sex with Charles, and the loss of their child, Michael feels that she might be forgiven, but never receive atonement. So he denies sex between them, and thinks this will keep them from being separated for all eternity. Anna leaves him to help in the birth of Mrs. Bradford's child. This is an illegitimate birth, and the Brandford's want to let it die, or even kill her. Anna saves the baby and leaves the country and raises it. Michael gave her Anteros for her escape, and told her to get on an ore ship bound for Liverpool. Anna follows his directions up to a point, and changes destinations so that she can truly disappear. She goes to the Muslim city of Oran.Anna becomes one of the wife's of Ahmed Bey, a Muslim. He is a healer, and she learns from him, and becomes a midwife. The Muslim women did not feel comfortable around a man, even though he was attempting to help them medically. Her baby is named, "Aisha"- word for 'life' and also 'bread'. And she has another child in the harem called, "Elinor". This is Michael and Anna's child.

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